Thinkfree Office Online

Secure, Fast, Reliable  Self-Hosting Enabled White Label Ready Easy Integration

Build an online office fully compatible with MS Office, tailored for your brand or organization, in just a few days.

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Online office for all workflows

Maximize your organization's productivity and customer engagement with Thinkfree's online office solution and integrated connectors.

Office Solutions

online office suite

Boost productivity with a full-featured online office suite, available anytime, anywhere.

  • Word, Spreadsheet, Presentation viewer / editor
  • MS Office compatibility and latest features support
  • Native-like performance and clear rendering
  • Web Standards Compliant (HTML5/CSS3)
  • Compatible with any OS and browser
    – OS: Windows / MacOS / Linux
    – Browser: Chrome / Edge / Safari / Firefox / etc.


Designed for
seamless collaboration

Unlock seamless online collaboration across all document workflows.

  • Real-time and asynchronous collaborative editing
  • Compare and review documents with track changes
  • Communicate through integrated in-app chat
  • Provide feedback through inline comments

Deployment & Integration

Flexible deployment and integration

Deploy flexibly on-premise or in the cloud, and easily integrate with your business and systems.

  • Self-hosted and Managed flexible deployment options
    – On-premise / Private Cloud / API-based SaaS
  • Deploy easily with containers and Kubernetes
  • Universal integration with connectors, APIs, and custom adapters
  • White labeling and customizable UI for brand unity

Online office with advanced security

As the exclusive official partner for AWS WorkDocs, Thinkfree Office has proven its high level of security.

Customer Segments

Empowering your business segments

Digital leaders are delivering modern business experiences through Thinkfree's cloud office solutions.
Our solutions boost productivity, streamline workflows, and empower business success in a competitive market.

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Service Provider

Effectively retain users by offering a seamlessly integrated, branded office suite within your service.

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Boost productivity with a private, customized office suite tailored to enterprise security, operations, and workflow needs.

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Small & Medium Business

Offer small licenses, flexible usage-based plans, and reasonable pricing designed for 50 or fewer users.

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Government & Education

Secure organization’s confidentiality and productivity with a private office suite seamlessly integrated with institution's systems.

Thinkfree created the world's first online office

Thinkfree is the world's first company to develop cloud office, and best software company with over 20 years of productivity software technology.

thinkfree laptop image

Ready for the next level?

Explore our AI assistant for work

AI search & assistant enabling safe integration and use of scattered business information. Be sure to check out Refinder AI as well.

Discover the future workplace envisioned by Thinkfree
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