Exploring Shift from Cloud Solutions to On-Premise Infrastructure

Shift from Cloud Solutions to On-Premise Infra

In recent years, businesses worldwide have embraced cloud solutions for flexibility and convenience. However, a growing trend indicates that some are reconsidering this strategy, opting to return to on-premise infrastructure. What’s driving this change? Cost considerations, data control, and evolving security needs are all part of the equation. Let’s take a closer look at why […]

How Thinkfree Office Integration Transforms e-Sign Service

Thinkfree helps document editing scenario for e-sign

HancomSign is a new electronic signature service from Hancom, specialized in 35 years of software expertise. It serves major clients, including leading South Korean banks, government agencies, and educational institutions, and is the only company offering one-click office access without additional login steps. By simplifying the e-signature process, HancomSign boosts efficiency and has earned strong […]